On WHOIS, you find a domain is managed by us, because the abuse contact contains our name, or because the DNS servers are in our name.
Metaregistrar is generally not the owner of these domain names. We are a registrar, which means that we are the connection link between the registry, that is, the companies that are responsible for one (or more) domain name extension(s)), and our customers, who are often resellers with their own customers.
So for the vast majority of the domain names we have registered, we are not the party that can (or may) determine whether the domain name is for sale.
In any case, it is advisable to check via the WHOIS service who is the owner of the domain. For example, the WHOIS option on the SIDN site indicates who the reseller is for a .NL domain (if the domain name is registered via a reseller) and what the email address of the administrative contact is, in other words: via which e-mail address the owner could be reached.
Please bear in mind that we are bound by the AVG / GDPR and are not allowed to pass on information that is not shown by the registry during a query via their own WHOIS.